Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why you should Vote for US!

Assalamualaikum to future bride/groom..
Kepada bakal2 pengantin, kami harap anda sudah pn menjumpai caterer pilihan. Tetapi, kepada yg belum, we have feeeellll GOOOOD NEWWWSSS for all of you. Our site has been nominated for BEST F&B blog in the Social Media Awards 2012. Just been nominated and kami perlu bekerja keras kalau nk menang..weeehuuu...

Ok..kepada yg sesiapa yg ingin mengundi kami, of course kami ada GOOODD NEWWWWSSS untuk anda jugaaaa...(just keep scrolling until u reach what we meant..paling bawahhh sekali..;p) But before u reach there, kami akan ajarkan macam mana nk vote untuk blog kami.

  1. Sign-up DISINI. Isikan semua maklumat berkaitan & tunggu verification email anda.
  2. Click untuk BEST F&B Blog. Vote untuk 
  3. Click kepada My Account, Print screen bukti yg anda telah vote kami (which have to include your user name & voted page).
  4. Emailkan kepada kami di beserta Nama Penuh & Contact No.
  5. Tunggu maklumbalas dari kami.
Dh tau macam mana nk VOTE?? Here come the GOOD NEWS people!!!

To all voters, if we won, each one of you who sent their proof will get an EXCLUSIVE 5 % discount for any occasion you booked or will book with us. Validation date: June 2012 until October 2012 and applicable in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur area only. Tetapi kepada sesiapa yg tinggal di luar kawasan, jgn sedih...WE still LOVE you from deep within and thanks for your support towards us.

*Tertakluk kepada terma & syarat. Sebarang perubahan di masa akan datang akan diberitahu.

One more thing, do check this awesome photographer ANNAS EASKEY, since he also participated in this award.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reception | Faizal & Suhana 041211 + WW

Our first self-made video..enjoy...

Pssst...for more pictures for the function, like us on our FB page. Find our badge on the right side ---->

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reception | Fiza & Mat + Johan & Watie

Pasangan Abang & Adik naik pelamin. Woooohhooo! I enjoy this to the max.

It floats with flowers

Dalca kari. Nyumms <3

Uncle. You are awesome!

Majlis Resepsi Fiza & Mat + Johan & Watie
Tarikh: 19/11/2011
Tempat: Seksyen 10, Wangsa Maju
Tema: Hijau & Cream

1) Nasi Minyak
2) Nasi Putih
3) Ayam Masak Merah
4) Rendang Sri Teratai
5) Sambal Sotong
6) Dalca Kari
7) Nanas Masak Bombay
8) Papadom
9) Tembikai Merah
10) Tembikai Susu
11) Air Oren

Tea Corner:
1) Karipap Pusing
2) Kuih Seri Ayu
3) Kuih Koci
4) Bubur Sri Teratai
5) Teh Tarik

1) Khemah Arabic
2) Pelayan Beruniform
3) Peralatan
4) Pengangkutan etc.

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan mengenai harga/pakej, boleh berhubung dgn kami di 013-3362311 (Aizat) atau emelkan ke "Kepuasan Anda, Kebanggan Kami".

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reception | Khaliq & Darwani 131111

Alhamdulillah. Mendapat kepercayaan kepada pasangan Khaliq & Darwani untuk majlis resepsi (sebelah pihak lelaki). Thanks a lot to their families :)

sama cantik sama padan

Majlis Resepsi Khaliq & Darwani
Tempat: Pandan Lake Club, Cheras
Tema: English Garden

1) Nasi Minyak
2) Nasi Putih
3) Ayam Masak Merah
4) Rendang Sri Teratai
5) Sambal Sotong
6) Dalca Kari
7) Nenas Masak Bombay
8) Papadom
9) Karipap Pusing
10) Seri Ayu
11) Tembikai Merah
12) Tembikai Susu
13) Air Kordial
14) Bubur Kacang Hijau
15) Teh Tarik

1) Meja Makan Beradap + Hiasan
2) Makanan Pengantin
3) Pelayan Beruniform
4) Peralatan
5) Pengangkutan

Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, hubungi kami di 013-3362311 (Aizat) atau emelkan ke "Kepuasan Anda, Kebanggan Kami".

Monday, January 9, 2012

Solemnization + Reception | Darwani & Khaliq 111111

Not so typical wedding menu

The Menu Board

Chocolate fountain, only the finest chocs were used

Our Lamb grill *nyums*

Transparent canopy

Thank u so much k.wani!

The wedding passport!
Solemnization + Reception of Darwani & Khaliq 111111
Date: 11/11/11
Venue: Bandar Tasik Puteri, Rawang
Color theme: Summer blue
Concept: Modern Moroccan

1) Nasi Goreng Cina
2) Bihun Goreng
3) Asam Laksa
4) Talam Pelangi
5) Kole Kacang
6) Karipap Pusing
7) Cheese Tart
8) Cupcakes
9) BBQ (Ayam, Ikan, Sotong, Hotdog)
10) Potato Salad
11) Coleslaw
12) Potato Spring
12) Tembikai Merah & Tembikai Susu
13) Bubur Sri Teratai
14) Air Fruit Punch
15) Teh Tarik

Special Menu:
1) Candy Bar (Comprises of Marshmallow, Grapes, Strawberries, Biscuits, Macarons, Assorted Candies, Chocolate Fountain, Assorted Toppings)
2) Lamb Grill (Comprises of Marinated Lamb, Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw, Garlic Bread, 2 Type of Sauces)

Truthfully, this is the first time we did this kind of event. Thanks to the bride & family for choosing and believing in us. Thanks to Fatin Suhana for attending & covered a nice story about the event. Read Here. Thank you so much Dik!!! I owe you a BIGGGG thanks.